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Temporary Import of Firearms

You are required to complete the SAPS 520 form when applying for the temporary importation of firearms. You must complete sections E1 to E25.4, G, I and J

Use black ink on the form and submit the full application of 8 pages.


Leave the form unsigned until finalised in front of a police officer. Sign both sections I and J.


The following 5 documents must accompany the SAP 520 form:

  • 1) Passport
  • 2) Return airline ticket
  • 3) Proof of ownership

Firearm licenses, documentary proof etc. For USA citizens an officially stamped Customs Declaration Form 4457, is essential.

  • 4) Proof of export

Clients must obtain documentation for the legal export of firearms from an official government institution (police or customs). This must be written in English and state the following:

“It is hereby certified that the owner of the firearm(s) M (state particulars) with calibre (state the calibre), serial number (state the serial number) and type (state the type of weapon) is hereby authorised to temporarily export the above firearm(s) from country (state the country).”

  • 5) Invitation letter from the hunting outfitter

This letter must be written on an official letterhead of the hunting outfitter/company.

It must include the following details of the professional hunters and outfitters:

  • name(s)
  • surname(s)
  • license number(s)
  • province in which they are registered.


The letter must include the following information:

  • for what type of hunt the client is invited
  • what calibres will be used on the hunt
  • where the hunt will take place (name of farm and district)
  • duration of the hunt.


The letter must also state that the mentioned weapons will only be used for hunting purposes on the mentioned properties.

The letter must be signed by the hunting outfitter/ company and dated.


Note: Firearms will be physically inspected to ensure the serial number(s) match those of the licenses (proof of ownership) and the application form. Ammunition will also be inspected.


To make the process easier, contact Phasa for assistance.  They will assist in getting your import permit in order and meet you at the airport.


Tel: +27 (0)12 667 2048